CIC launched the 10 Point Plan as our vision for the school for 2018 – 2028 as it continues to grow and embed itself in the community. &nbsp

Celebrating Success at Crumlin Integrated College

All of our wonderful students were spinning with success during our annual Prize Night. Congratulations to all our 2024 prize winners!

Integration & Ethos

CIC welcomes pupils of all traditions and abilities to learn together in a caring school community where self worth and mutual respect are highly valued.


Crumlin Integrated College cares for its pupil, nurtures an ethos of respect at all levels, values its pupil regardless of academic ability, background race or religion and quite simply is a place where pupil will be happy and make lifelong friends.

At the college Learning and Teaching are at the heart of everything we do and we take great care to ensure all pupil are encouraged to reach their full potential whether it be in the academic, vocational, cultural or sporting fields.

Upcoming Events


Assessment Week Year 8-11

12:00 am - 11:59 pm

St. Patricks Holiday

12:00 am - 11:59 pm

Year 12 Mocks

12:00 am - 11:59 pm

Staff Development Day

12:00 am - 11:59 pm

Easter Holiday

12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Introducing our New Principal

A Welcome from Mr. Conlon...

It is with great delight that I write this letter of introduction to you as the new Principal of Crumlin Integrated College. I am honoured to have the opportunity to lead a school with such high-performing students, extremely dedicated staff, and a supportive parent and school community. Rest assured that together with our teachers and staff, I will work tirelessly to build upon the excellence of our young scholars.


Throughout my career, I have been dedicated to the field of education, working with students ranging from Key Stage Three through Post-16 and Further Education in a variety of roles. I have enjoyed the role of class teacher of Performing Arts, Psychology and Religious Studies; as well as my leadership experience as: Vice Principal, Associate Lecturer, Head of Pastoral Care Key Stage Four & Five, Senior Leader in charge of Learning & Teaching and Head of Department. I understand that a successful and happy school depends on all of us working in unison, thus I am fully committed to ensuring that communication between the school and all its stakeholders is regular, informative, and supportive, guaranteeing that all pupils have a happy and successful time whilst at Crumlin Integrated College.


Our school’s vision, as outlined on our website, emphasises the importance of creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment where every student can achieve to their fullest potential. Moving forward, I look forward to communicating and consulting with you regarding my vision for Crumlin Integrated College and how we will focus on the use of data to inform instruction, emphasising not only academic growth but also social and emotional development. My vision is rooted in providing exciting and challenging enrichment opportunities for our students, always keeping in mind the importance of student wellbeing.


I am ambitious for Crumlin Integrated College and passionate about ensuring your children’s futures are both safe and successful in our school community and beyond. I will work with you to advance the College’s vision. My expectations and standards for behaviour, attendance, manners, and respect inside the classroom, around the college, and within the local community, are high. I believe that by working in partnership, we can enable our children to succeed and reach their full potential.


I am very much looking forward to getting to know our wonderful students and families.

Mr. John Conlon

Join Our College

Open Evening 2024 Thursday 5th December 6:30 - 9:30pm

We are thrilled to offer an invitation, for prospective students in primary 6 and 7, to come visit the college to sample our caring, friendly and focused learning environment.

On the night, pupils and parents will get the opportunity to have a tour around the school, speak with current students and chat with teachers in all of the different subject areas on offer. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Arrange a Private Tour – If you would prefer a private tour of the school, please contact the college office and we will arrange an appointment for you.