Art and Design provides a unique vehicle for communication and a distinctive way of learning. It educates by increasing knowledge and developing understanding through expression of ideas, feelings and the practice of skills. Creativity begins in the imagination, in memories and through things seen and experienced.
In key stage 3, themes are set to enable pupils to think and respond creatively, thereby developing pupils as effective and independent learners.
Here at Crumlin Integrated College, pupils get the opportunity to practice their observational and recording skills. This invites personal response and reinforces the uniqueness of the individual. An understanding of the visual elements of colour, tone, line and shape, form and space, texture and pattern, also contributes to the development of pupils’ aesthetic awareness. Lessons encourage pupils to engage in critical thinking, for example, by expressing in words their understanding of how an artwork was made, its purpose and what it means. Evaluation invites pupils to adapt their thinking, to modify their work, make changes when necessary, and arrive at personal solutions. Their work is also supported by use and application of IT skills and investigation. Appreciating the work of artists, designers and craft workers helps pupils gain information about the context in which it was created, how people perceived the world in which they lived and the characteristics and use of media and materials.
Themes at Key Stage three include:
Year 8: Drawing and Shading, Portraiture, Understanding Colour.
Year 9: Fantasy Creatures and 3D Sculpture, Hundertwasser inspired textile landscapes.
Year 10: Surrealism, Painting techniques, Ceramic containers, Pop Art
In Crumlin Integrated College, pupils have the opportunity to study the CCEA GCSE Art and Design Specification. This is a two year, linear course which builds on and reflects the diverse range of experiences, skills and processes gained at key stage three. The course provides pupils with the opportunity to broaden their repertoire of skills and capabilities in Art and Design. The Art Department encourages personal studies and experimentation and facilitates pupil experiences within Art and Design disciplines.
Pupils who follow this course have the freedom and flexibility to make personal choices in relation to themes and media. They are encouraged to choose from a broad range of disciplines and are given the opportunities to visit museums and galleries. They will develop their ability for independent learning, critical thinking and analysis and evaluation of their own and others’ work. The course is 100% coursework, split into two sections:
Unit 1: Part A – Exploratory Portfolio and Part B – Investigating the Creative and Cultural Industries (60%)
Unit 2: Externally Set Assignment (40%)
Both units will be internally marked and externally moderated by CCEA.
Part A, the exploratory portfolio will begin immediately at the start of year 11. The emphasis will be on broad, creative learning experiences that introduce students to art, craft and design skills and technical knowledge. Pupils will work individually and creatively to develop personal ideas in response to the visual elements of Art and Design. They will experiment with a wide range of media, materials, techniques and technologies to develop their existing skills.
Part B, investigating the creative and cultural industries will begin in the summer term of year 11. Pupils will produce a personal body of artwork where they have researched the work of other artists, crafts persons or designers and produced a final outcome in response.
The externally set assignment/theme is issued in January of the year of the examination. There is a set period of time for the student to develop preparatory work based on the theme or stimulus. The final outcome will be completed in a set period of 10 hours (over 2 days) and will be carried out under controlled conditions within the Art department.